3.1 Global Health and Disease


What is Global Health and Development?

[ Understanding diseases, treatment, health systems ]


  1. Appreciation of the determinants of health
  2. Learning from other societies and systems
  3. Application to other courses
    (Health & Disease, Clinical subjects, Professionalism)


Clinical Relevance Professional Development
  • better understanding of multicultural issues
  • conditions seen in poor countries are seen more frequently everywhere
  • travel advice
  • migrant health / work overseas
  • student electives
  • appreciation of cultural diversity
  • awareness of research / methods
  • advocacy


Learning Outcomes

  1. Global Burden of Disease
  • discuss the main global causes of morbidity and mortality globally including major infectious, non-communicable and chronic diseases and injuries; the impact of travel and migration on diseases seen in Ireland;
  • recognise issues related to global health security and addressing the causes and control of public health risks from epidemic prone diseases and climate change.

2. Socioeconomic and Environmental Determinants of Health

  • demonstrate awareness of social, economic, political, environmental and gender determinants of health disparities;
  • recognise the impacts of globalisation, poverty and widening socio-economic inequalities as determinants of health;
  • understand the concepts of development, poverty, economic and social development, and the right to health.

3. Health Systems

  • discuss the components of a health system and how health system structures and functions vary;
  • understand how global trends in healthcare practice, commerce and culture contribute to health and the quality and availability of healthcare
  • be aware of the difficulties faced by health services in resource poor settings and the challenges of strengthening health systems, ensuring adequate human resources for health and equitable access.

4. Health Implications of Travel and Migration

  • understand risks associated with travel and migration
  • describe how travel and trade contribute to the spread of disease
  • know where to identify sources of information for medical advice for international travellers.


5. Global Health Governance

  • demonstrate awareness of the complexity of global health governance including the roles of international agencies such as WHO and other UN agencies, civil society organisations and new partnerships for health;
  • recognise how health related research is conducted and governed

6. Human Rights and Ethics

  • understand the concepts of respect for the rights and equal value of all people without discrimination, and to provide compassionate care for all;
  • examine how international legal frameworks impact on health-care delivery in Ireland and around the world;
  • discuss and critique the concept of the right to health;
  • consider some of the health issues faced by migrants including refugees and asylum seekers;
  • recognise the role of doctors as advocates for patients, including prioritising health needs and adhering to codes of professional conduct.

7. Culture and Health

  • demonstrate understanding of the importance of culture and its influences on behaviour;
  • communicate and work effectively with people from different ethnic, religious and social backgrounds.


The basic purpose of development is to enlarge people’s choices. In principle, these choices can be infinite and can change over time.

The objective of development is to create an enabling environment for people to enjoy long, healthy and creative lives

Development requires the removal of major sources of unfreedom, poverty as well as tyranny, poor economic opportunities as well as systematic social deprivation neglect of public facilities as well as intolerance or over activity of repressive states


Millennium Development Goals